2016 Features RSS
"Photogs Exposed" ~ Weekly Winner 12/4/2016
Congratulations to this weeks "Photogs Exposed" weekly winner Angie Christmas for winning "Best Groom" picture. <3 https://www.facebook.com/AngieChristmasPhotography/?fref=ts www.angiechristmas.com
"Photogs Exposed" ~ Weekly Winner 11/26/2016
Congratulations to this weeks "Photogs Exposed" weekly winner Laura Watkin for "Most Improved" photographer. Your talent has really blossomed! https://www.facebook.com/tatteredbutterflyphoto/?fref=ts
"Photogs Exposed" ~ Weekly Winner 11/20/2016
Congratulations to this weeks "Photogs Exposed" weekly winner Amanda Brown with Pink Shutter Photography for winning "Best Fair" Photo. http://www.pinkshutterphoto.com/ https://www.facebook.com/PinkShutterPhoto/?pnref=lhc
"Photogs Exposed" ~ Weekly Winner 11/12/2016
Congratulations to this weeks "Photogs Exposed" weekly winner Alisa Forbis for "Best Newborn Posed" photo. https://www.facebook.com/alisasuephotography/?pnref=lhc http://www.alisasuephotography.com/
"Photog Exposed" Weekly Winner 11/5/2016
Congratulations to our "Photogs Exposed" weekly winner Chelsea Hooper Stevenson for the "Best Fall Picture". https://www.facebook.com/chelseastevensonphotographyFL/?pnref=lhc